Tag: Mobile

Mobile is an important channel that has changed everything. It has revolutionized the way people communicaticate with each other. Mobile is the world’s most personal and important communications channel. Globally, mobile drives the most traffic. A mobile phone is an …

Mobile An Important Channel Read More »

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Are you looking to improve your customer engagement? Are you looking to build a brand? Are you looking to improve your customer loyalty. Mobile apps play an important role to your business marketing strategy. Regardless of a business size, all …

Business Needs Apps Read More »

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Local SEO is integral for businesses and entrepreneurs. It is a niche strategy that entrepreneurs should implement. Local SEO is significant in terms of visibility providing results that are relevant to a searcher based on their current location.  Your business needs to …

Local SEO Read More »

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Mobile has changed the SEO game. According to Google, more than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices. ComScore predicts that by 2020 more than half of all searches will come from voice search. When doing …

Mobile has Revolutionalized SEO Read More »

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