Tag: Social Media

Kevin Davidson, MBA, providing Insider Info On Social Media Marketing Hints. Listen, watch, and implement social media marketing strategies from our social media expert.

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Are your social media business pages updated? Do you research articles and post to your social media pages regularly? Can you afford to pay $80,000 per year for a dedicated employee to do social media? If you are not updating …

New Social Media Product Read More »

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Do you have time to do social media? Do you have the manpower to do a social media campaign? Do you need help coming up with content? As an entrepreneur, there is limited time and resources to do social media. …

Entrepreneurs Need to Use Social Media Read More »

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Traditional marketing is expensive for small to medium size business. Traditional marketing often misses the target audience and has a low return on investment. Small businesses need to advertise and reach their niche audience. Think social media in particular Facebook …

Why You Should Advertise On Facebook Read More »

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Local SEO is integral for businesses and entrepreneurs. It is a niche strategy that entrepreneurs should implement. Local SEO is significant in terms of visibility providing results that are relevant to a searcher based on their current location.  Your business needs to …

Local SEO Read More »

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Time to incorporate video into your marketing. Large and small businesses that do not incorporate video in their marketing are losing out. 90% percent of all Internet traffic comes from video. Online video is everywhere you look on social media …

High Quality Videos Read More »

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When retailers think about redesigning their web sites, they expect the redesign to boost their sales immediately. Before doing the redesign, retailers need to figure what consumers want to do and how easy it will be to satisfy them. Shoppers …

Set Realistic Goals for Ecommerce Web Site Design Read More »

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In general marketing practices, there are two main methods of marketing. “Push” marketing, and “Pull” Marketing. In a Push-Marketing scenario, you push your content or product at your target market. Examples of this are newsletters trying to get people to …

The Advantages of Pull Marketing on the Internet Read More »

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If you ever took a marketing class in school, you learned that word-of-mouth is the best kind of marketing. Wikipedia defines word of mouth marketing as: Word of mouth is a reference to the passing of information from person to …

Social Media: The New Word of Mouth Read More »

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Facebook is the fourth most-popular site on the web. What is Facebook? To understand what facebook is, you need to understand social networking. Wikipedia defines social networking as online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are …

10 Ways for a Business to Get More Out of Facebook Read More »

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