Tag: Content

Is your website design outdated? Is your website responsive? Is the content on your website current? In deciding to do a redesign, review your stats to give you a baseline at where your traffic is currently. If your website has …

Website Redesign is a Necessity Read More »

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In general marketing practices, there are two main methods of marketing. “Push” marketing, and “Pull” Marketing. In a Push-Marketing scenario, you push your content or product at your target market. Examples of this are newsletters trying to get people to …

The Advantages of Pull Marketing on the Internet Read More »

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Any Web Marketer worth his salt knows that you can’t be successful without goals. And you can’t set goals without being able to measure them. So how do you measure goals in something as obscure as web marketing? Simple. Web …

Web Analytics: How and Why You Should Use It Read More »

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In short, content that pleases search engine users, and fulfills and information need or prompts them to purchase something, is good. Content that’s highly optimized for search engine algorithms, but fails to satisfy search engine users, is virtually doomed to a fate of obscurity.

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